[…] Wendell Phillips, Remarks at Faneuil Hall Meeting (Oct. 30, 1842), reprinted in THE LIBERATOR #45, Nov. 11, 1842 (on file with the New York University Journal of Law & […]
Local History, Closer to Home
[…] Wendell Phillips, Remarks at Faneuil Hall Meeting (Oct. 30, 1842), reprinted in THE LIBERATOR #45, Nov. 11, 1842 (on file with the New York University Journal of Law & […]
I’m a Fulbright awardee researching the Underground Railroad as it relates to Atlantic Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edw. Isle, etc.) and Quebec. I’m searching for Fugitive Slaves who made their way to or through the Maritimes escaping slavery btw 1840 and 1860, and particularly as a direct result of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. I’m looking for names, employ, and any record of their existence once they arrived in Boston enroute to Canada East/Lower Canada. I already have the narratives of the Crafts, Richard Preston, and Shadrach Minkins. I’m searching for other slaves who made the same or similar journey to the Maritimes.
Any guidance or assistance you may offer will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for you time and prompt attention. –Quanda Johnson
Hi Quanda,
My apologies for the very late reply to your request. I hope you’ve had some luck finding the info. Many of our sources came from the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Boston Athenaeum . We found the records of the voluntary associations to be especially helpful (for example the Boston Vigilance Committee). You may find that contacting the MHS to be a good next step. Best wishes-
ombination of raw physical strength, power, hold-up play, aerial threat and increasingly ruthless finishing can be fully utilised.
On the top date I noticed it said posted on August 13th while in the paper clipping it states July 13th. If that is a missed typo I apologize for pointing it out, I just noticed that as I was writing my paper.