The Row House as we know it, first appears in London in the late
17th century. Historically, the majority of urban-dwellers have always lived in
some form of Row House. The reason for this urban popularity are basically
ease and efficiency. The Row House was easy to construct and heat and also
made efficient use of a small plot of land. Aesthetically, the Row House was
high enough to give the street a defined shape.
In America, the Row House, sometimes called "Town House", first
appeared in Philadelphia in the 1700s. The Row House, by the 1800s, was
popular in such urban areas as Baltimore, Boston, New York City and New Orleans.
The Industrial, or "Milltown" Row House, first appeared in the
North East from 1840-1880. These Milltown Row Houses were designed to
provide inexpensive housing for mill workers.
Row Houses can be typed and dated by their relative architecture style.
My great grandparents lived at 1625 Page Street in Philadelphia from 1870-1890 approximately. I would love to see old pictures of that street or other similar streets. Interior pictures would be great. No electricity. Plumbing. Must have been something.