The following excerpt is from the Superindentent’s Report to the School Committee, which was printed in the School Committee Report for 1924 and reprinted in Beverly City Documents for 1924.
MR. S. HOWARD CHACE, December, 1924. Superintendent of Schools, Beverly, Massachusetts.
Dear Sir: I herewith submit my annual report for the Manual Training Department in the Beverly grade schools for the year of 1924.
The work for the different grades has been very carefully and thoughtfully gone over and laid out so that the pupil would derive the most benefit from it.
In the sixth grade, particular emphasis has been placed on the use of the rule, also the making of the drawings, of the various projects which the pupil constructs.
Following is a list of projects made in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades:
Grade VI: Rule, key tag, key rack, kitchen pad, cake cooler, bread board and clothes stick.
Grade VII. Necktie rack, aeroplane, windmill, blotter pad, glider and optional projects.
Grade VIII. Sail boats, bookends, radio tables, radio cabinets, tabourets, trellises and optional projects.
Last June, the Beverly Rotary Club donated the usual prizes for yacht races held at the United Shoe pond. There was a fine showing of boats made by the Manual Training pupils. The Rotary Club was given complete charge of the races and conducted them in true yachtsmanship manner. Much thanks are due them for their hearty cooperation.
Mr. Waite has made numerous improvements in his woodworking room at the Washington School, and spent considerable time on new methods of construction on the sailboat. His cooperation I have had at all times.
Number of pupils taking woodwork:
for the year 1923, 554
for the year 1924, 602-a gain of 48 pupils
Respectfully submitted,
Director of Manual Training in the Grades.
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