The purpose of the Beverly Educational Archives is to appraise, collect, organize, describe, preserve, and make available records of permanent administrative, legal, fiscal, and historical value to Beverly High School, Beverly Public Schools, and Beverly. In providing a facility for the retention, preservation, servicing, and research use of such records, the Archives serves as an educational resource encouraging scholarly research in its collection. It supports the mission of Beverly High School by providing a laboratory environment — containing historical records in a variety of formats — which is designed to encourage critical thinking and independent research. The Archives manifests its mission by collaborating with local historical organizations and libraries.
Records collected by the archives include, but are not limited to:
Beverlega (high school yearbook), The Aegis (literary magazine), The Ledger (and other school newspapers), school committee records, Beverly town and city documents, monographs pertaining to school or municipal history, census records, local statistical data, letters & correspondence, sports schedules, daily bulletins, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, photographs
looking for all the meeting minutes of the Beverly High School athletic Hall of Fame from its inception to the present. Thank you