Photo and Commentary by Drew Johnson
Lobster traps in Beverly are immortal and represent Beverly throughout time. It shows that Beverly is on the coast and has a big seafood industry. It also shows how much the ocean affects us on a daily basis. The ocean creates a great atmosphere during the summer and also lessons the snowfall during the winter. Beverly housing prices have skyrocketed because of people wanting to get close to or on the water. I feel that the ocean and the lobster and seafood industry in Beverly will always be a big deal and will hold the test of time. People have been lobstering here since Europeans first arrived, so I see no change in that. Also, the appeals of the ocean will always be there and be the most important thing about Beverly. To sum it up, this postcard will stand the test of time because the ocean and the seafood industry will always be a big part of Beverly.
This picture of lobster traps also contains an intersection because it holds a double meaning in Beverly. I choose the lobster traps as I have said because it represents the ocean, which is a huge part of where we live. However, these lobster traps also represent Beverly as a city. Many people who move into Beverly never leave and are trapped here because the love it so much. Many of my friends’ parents have all lived in Beverly their entire lives and raised their kids here. Therefore, I feel that this picture represents the ocean we live near and the city that traps many people to live here their whole lives.
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