REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BEVERLY INDEPENDENT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR 1922-1923 to the Board of Trustees of the Beverly Independent Industrial School,
I have the honor to submit herewith the report covering the fourteenth school years of fifty weeks ending July 14,1923, and a part of the fifteenth year from July 16, 1923, to January 1, 1924.
During the past year our school has maintained the high standard’ of vocational education that has characterized its work since its organization in 1909. The testimony of those in a position to know of its work is that it is filling a great need in the educational system of our community.
Eleven boys were granted certificates of graduation on December 14, making a total of 141. By the use of the trade history cards kept by the school, we find that the executive ability as well as the practical training of our graduates is being recognized by industry to the extent that one is at present an assistant superintendent, several are foremen of manufacturing departments, also the United Shoe Machinery Corporation has given us the opportunity to place several of our pupils in the experimental department of the factory, where the best quality of manufacturing is done without special tools. Sixteen have been promoted to full time in the factory, making a total of 29 since October 1, 1922.
As the dominant industry in our city is a metalworking industry, and employs many young machinists, there is an urgent need manifested each year for an opportunity to receive machine shop practice in the evening. At present this is the only demand that has been made for evening trade extension courses that our Trustees have not been able to meet. At present there is not the available space in any of our school buildings where the proper equipment could be installed to give the training, but as mentioned in a previous report, this matter should not be overlooked in the selection of equipment for our new High School shops.
Respectfully submitted,
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