Answer the following questions using this blank worksheet, and the list of
Almshouse Admissions, January 1, 1775 – September, 30, 1788
1. Slavery was written out of the 1780 Massachusetts Census and by court decisions in 1783. How many more African-Americans are admitted after the end of slavery, as compared to the 5 years before? What reasons can you give to explain why?
2. From 1780-1788, are there more male or female children?
3. How does this compare to the years 17750-1780?
2. Were any non-African-American or Indian men or women listed with only first names?
3. Was this practice of first name only meant as a lack of respect, an indication that they were escaped slaves, or some other reason?
4. When was the first instance of African-American and Indian men admitted with both first and last names? Did this then become the general practice?
5. When was the first instance of African-American and Indian women admitted with both first and last names?
6. In what decade did slavery end in Massachusetts?
7. In 1774, what do you think it meant by saying Indian women belonged to ‘Natick’ and ‘Nantucket’?
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