"The Hon. John C. Part addressed a meeting
of the colored people at the Smith School House, last evening.
As the audience was very small, he may be pleased to have greater
publicity given to his strong argument why colored people should
vote for Clay for president"
But now the colored people were called upon to
act vigorously for the election of Clay, in order to prevent the
annexation of Texas. If Polk is elected Texas will be, annexed
But what if Clay is elected. He is a slave holder!
Yes; but he has said he believes slavery a curse and will do nothing
for its extension. He is pledged against annexation
But what can Berney do? The most that the abolitionists
can do, is to give him the electoral vote of Massachusetts. They
can carry no other state. The result of this might be to defeat
the election by the people, then Congress would choose Polk: so
voting for Berney gets you both Polk and Texas.
Signed Conscience.