April 28. 1819
At the kind suggestion of Mr. Thorndike Jr., I take the liberty of troubling
you on a subject which now occupies my attention. I have undertaken
to write the life of James Otis and am endeavoring to collect all the
materials that can be obtained. His public life I can get from his printed
works and from public journals, but there are so few contemporaries
of his intellectual vigor and health, that private recollections are
very scanty. I have to be sure a host in the letter of President Adams
to my father not only those which have been published but others in
manuscript. Still I hope to obtain aid from other sources. From the
great attention you have paid to the history of our country, I may hope
that you may be able to give me some anecdotes or facts that will throw
some light on his public or private life. Should this be the case I
hope I am not asking too much, in requesting you to favor me with the
communication of them by doing which you will much oblige me.
I am with great respects
W. Tudor Jr.