Commonwealth of Massachusetts
House of Representatives June 11th 1813
The Committee appointed to consider what number of copies of the charters,
and public and general laws of the late Colony and Province of Massachusetts
Bay ought to be printed at the expense of and for the use of this Commonwealth,
have attended that Service and ask leave to report that it is expedient
to have one thousand copies of the same for the use of this Commonwealth,
for which purpose they recommend the passage of the following resolve
Resolved that Nathan Dane, William Prescott and Joseph Story Esquires,
be authorized to cause on thousand copies of the charters and the public
and general laws of the late Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay,
to be printed for the use of this Commonwealth in the same manner as
is provided by a resolve passed the fifteenth of January 813, instead
of five hundred copies as by said resolve is directed.
And be it further resolved that the said copies shall be distributed
by the Secretary in the manner provided by a resolve for distributing
the laws passed by 31st January 1807, except so far as the same requires
a distribution of the laws to the members of the General Court.
Lent up to concurrence
Timothy Bigelow Speaker
In Senate June 12th 1813 Read and Concurred
John Phillips President
June 12th 1813 Approved Caleb Strong