1.) Cupola- A dome-shaped roof on a circular base often set on the ridge
of the roof. |
2.) Lantern- A structure built on top of a roof with open or windowed walls
and, or a widow's walk. |
3.) Tent Roof- A turret with an octagonal base with steeply pitched
slopes rising to a peak, usually topped with a finial, in Queen Anne Victorian. |
4.) Finial- An ornament at the top of a spire, gable or pinnacle. |
5.) Baluster- An upright, often vase-shaped support for a rail. |
6.) Balustrade- A series of Balusters with a rail. |
7.) Urnal- An urn-shaped ornament that appears on the corners of
abalustrade. |
8.) Bracket - A support element under eaves, shelves, or
other overhangs, predominant in Italinate style architecture. |
9.) Extended Rafters - The rafters extend to at least the
overhang of the roof. |